Friday, 5 November 2010

Week 6 UDK Import & Light Maps

For this week my aim was to everything that I had done into UDK with all the packages sorted so danny can use them. I also wanted to do the light maps for everything so I can see how they are looking In UDK, and also to work out any problems if they occur.

So Over the week I modelled up to 10 small props so I could start filling up ceratin areas of the scene to make it look more realsitc. The props were nothing major ,kettles, phonebox, street lights, etc but they all make the scene look a lot more realistic.

Below is a few shots of the scene in UDK

As you can see from the shot above there is a lot of issues still to sort out but the light maps are working at the minute which is really good. At the minute that scene is subtractive and we are going to change it to additive so the light maps work even better, also the shot above is just of what I have modelled so when Dans buildings also get imported it should start looking really nice.

The shots above are just other shots of the scene so far so you can get a feel of the environment, I am hoping by next week that all of dans props and buildings are in the scene, and I would also like to have a skydome in the scene so that the scene looks like its coming along.

So my main aim for next weeks are

  • Skydome
  • Mine & Dans Props & buildings in scene
  • Additive scene
  • Better looking light maps

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