Friday, 10 December 2010

Week 10 Texture Follow Up

This week I just carried on texturing our scene so we could get as much done before we leave for christmas break. Im hoping for next week that the majority of the buildings are textured and that me and Danny agree on how the textures look. When these buildings are done and textured and were happy with the outocme then I am going to start texturing the props and modelling some more small props as I'm doing this.

The shot above is at the begginning of the scene and is a very dull scene. I think I have captured the mood in the shot as you can see it looks cold and misty.

The other 2 shots show you how the environment is devolping as I texture more of the scene. I am hoping for next week to get all the buildings done so i can take the break over christmas then have 3 week to do the props and add and change things.

Friday, 3 December 2010

Week 9 (Texturing)

This week Me and Danny have been focusing on getting as much texturing as possible done. We focused on the buildings so we could start to see what the scene was looking like, I focused more on my buildings and Danny focused on his.

I startesd with the row of my buildings which makes up one side of the scene, I havent textured them all just yet but I got most of them done. I also did the big building which was really just 2 tiling textures, but I think it came out better than we first thought.

Abover are basically what I have textured. Danny has done more of the other buildings but im sure there in his blog. We aim to have even more doen for next week and then hopefully have all houses textured then we can discuss what needs changing and how we can make it better